Thursday, March 5, 2015

Texas Texas Texas

Another day of driving, and another Texas.

After last night's ice storm, we delayed our departure this morning until about 10 a.m. to make sure the sun had a chance to melt any residual ice and snow on the roads.  As you can see, we have ice and icicles on our equipment.

Yep, that's snow in them thar fields.

And on the side of the road.

It was a beautiful day today for driving, clear and sunny.  Finally got up to 6C.  But this is why we got off the road early last night, and didn't venture out too early this morning.  This was the 8th semi turnover we saw today.

We saw tons of these windmills in a certain section.

We only stopped at the Walmart for some groceries in, "Abilene, Abilene, prettiest town I've ever seen,  Women there don't treat you mean, in Abilene, my Abilene."  Doesn't it just make you hum the tune?

Why is it there are so many songs about Texas or Texas towns?  Hmmm.

We're making tracks.  We will pass by Fort Worth and Dallas within the first hour tomorrow morning, and will be into Louisiana shortly after that.  No plans to stop except for one-nighters until we get into Alabama.  Then we'll take a bit of a hiatus.

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