Monday, January 26, 2015

Last day in New Orleans

We've had a nice rest from moving while staying here in New Orleans.  Although the weather has been cool, it has been sunny.  And it was warmer than the day before.

We stayed around our RV a good part of the day yesterday and planned to go into town on the 4 p.m. shuttle as we have dinner booked for 7 at the New Orleans Creole Cookery.

We did that and wandered around the town for a while (it's crazy).  We stopped at an oyster bar (which also was a brew pub) for a brewskie and to listen to some jazz.  We sat at the bar where the guy was shucking oysters the whole time we were there.

These "jellyfish" were hanging from the ceiling over the bar.

Gerard and I  shared a plate of baked oysters (very good), and the shucker guy gave us one each he had just opened.  It actually was good (although I'm not sure I really tasted it).  Not something we would do on a regular basis, and it's not necessarily a healthy thing to do very often.  This is one of the baked ones.

Below is a world-famous restaurant  - Antoine's - celebrating their 175th anniversary this year.  You cannot go in here unless men have a tie and jacket and women are dressed nicely.  The one time I was there about 10 years ago (with work) the waiters were as old as the restaurant.  A special place to dine when in town.

Balconies in the French Quarter are being decorated for Mardi Gras.  Parades will start this weekend and continue until Mardi Gras.

Parades are a known theme in the French Quarter.  This was a conference of people here, and they're led by a band through the streets of the French Quarter.  They're all walking behind the band.

The 2 pictures below are both common sights - the police and horse-drawn carriages.

This guy - his name is Spring - was playing and singing jazz at the restaurant where we were eating.  Very talented.  He was playing an electronic instrument that looked sort of like a clarinet, but could play sound like a saxophone, muted trumpet, and other instruments, I'm sure.  I think it's called a Quora or wind synthesizer.

So we're leaving New Orleans this morning and heading along I-10 west.  We'll be heading west from now to Tucson.

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