Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Texas is rather big

We're only about a third of the way across Texas.  Of course, that's going across the widest part from the Louisiana border to El Paso.  But we're in San Antonio.  We'll be here for 3 nights while we explore some of the city.

We had to drive by the City of Houston first.  Houston is the 4th largest city in the United States, so you can imagine it was quite a lot of highways, spaghetti junctions, and traffic to get through it.  This is the downtown from a distance.

Most of this part of Texas is pretty flat.  They call it the South Texas Plains.  And we saw our first cacti along the side of the road.  Speaking of roads, you can breeze along pretty good, if you want to. We don't do this hauling the trailer, but you could.  That's 75 mph = 120 kmh.

We arrived in San Antonio and our RV park around 2:30 p.m. and a balmy 27C.  It was actually up as high as 29C, but it will go down to 8-9C tonight.  Having said that, it is not normally this warm.  Reality check will happen in the next few days.

Here we are all set up.  We're about 3 miles south of the downtown so tomorrow we'll head into that area and do some exploring.

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