Friday, January 30, 2015

Ain't Nuthin Out There

Or so it appears.  Pretty desolate country - dry and currently pretty cold - only 10C today.  I know, I's all relative.

 OK, so I said the other day you could breeze along pretty good at 75 mph = 120 kph.  How about this instead?  80 mph = 128 kph

It was supposed to rain today.  It didn't happen, but we saw these awesome looking clouds.  The effect was wavy - kinda cool.

There are several of these "grasshoppers" (as my parents used to call them) dotted on the countryside.  As I said to Gerard, at least the land is good for something - oil.  Not much else, I must say.

We saw this sign in the office where we registered for our RV park tonight here at Fort Stockton.  I like it.

This is the first time this has happened to us...we were driving along and Gerard said, where's a gas station we could go to?  I looked at our "Next Exit" book (which is awesome, by the way) and said, well, there's nothing that's "large vehicle compatible" until milepost 261, which was about 100 miles further on.  Gerard said, we won't make it that far.  Yikes!!!  There was another gas station about 50-60 miles up the road though that wasn't indicated as being able to take large vehicles, but often you can get through them.  Keep in mind that while we're hauling the trailer, the kilometres tick down pretty much 2:1.

As it ticked down on the range indicator in the truck, we held our breath...and made it.  Fortunately the gas station was set up such that we could drive through it with no problem.  Phew!  We are so used to just looking at the book and picking something out of the many options available.  Not so, way out here in the middle of nowhere!  Lesson learned.

So we made it here and were all set up before 4 pm.  We'll hang out here for the night and then it's off to New Mexico tomorrow, by way of El Paso...with a full tank of gas.


  1. Sheesh. ..that'd be scary! Maybe get a gas can just in case??

  2. We're OK and we won't make that mistake again. We had just passed some gas stations, so it was a miscalculation...or rather a "never thought of that" issue just because we hadn't had to before now. We'll be more careful now.
