Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Relaxing Couple of Days

Yesterday we just hung around our RV and did some cleaning.  Later in the afternoon, we went to visit our friends, Sue & Bryan Hunter, who have rented a house with friends of theirs, Mike & Deb Collins.

These are a couple of pictures of their backyard, with the pool.  Pretty nice place nestled in the hills west of Tucson.  It's a large 4-bedroom house and a beautiful kitchen and living area.  Obviously the outdoors parts are beautiful as well.  Nice rental!

I love this crazy Saguaro.

Here they are on their deck, and where we ate dinner later.  We had a terrific meal.

This is Bryan and Deb Collins putting on the pool blanket.  It gets really cool here at night.

While we were sitting on the deck, we're pretty sure a bobcat came up to the pool, but he stayed hidden in the bushes.  I tried to get a picture of it, but I just scared it off.  We don't know if it came up there to get a drink of water from the pool (no doubt it had some freedom to do that while the house was not occupied).  Or, it could smell Tibby around there.  We kept Tibby close to us.

I didn't take any pictures today.  It was another lazy day...well, for one of us anyway.  Gerard cleaned the awning.  He went to the hardware store to get some cleaner to do the job.  The guy said to just use  soap and water with a brush, it will do the job.  Presto!  It did.  It looks brand new again.

We did bike down to the nearest Redbox to pick up a couple movies and watched one of them tonight.

Tomorrow is the Canadian Pot Luck here at the RV park.

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