Monday, February 23, 2015

Another Hike

Well, I think we've now pretty well covered the Robles Trails across the road from us.  They're great trails - also used by mountain bikers.  And, I think I need to buy a new card for my camera.  My old one just doesn't cut it any more.  4GB was a lot at one time!

So here we are out in the desert again.  It really is beautiful in its own way.

This guy was trudging along.

We did the Sunset Pass Trail and the 360 Vista Trail, which essentially form a loop.

You wouldn't think cactus would be so photogenic, but the saguaro are very majestic.

And tall.  This one must be 25-30 feet.

A valley of them.

We're still debating what to take in tomorrow - perhaps the Pima Aviation Boneyard.  We are apparently going to have our coldest day tomorrow - 60F (about 16C).  We'll see.  And I know it's nothing compared to what you guys at home are getting.  We're really hesitant about going home because of the weather.  Yikes!  Who wants to go home to that?

Having said that, we have already started planning our trip home.  Can't believe it will be 1 week tomorrow we leave here.

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