Saturday, February 21, 2015

Fixes and Desert Museum

I haven't written a blog for a couple of days.  Sorry about that.  Thursday, we didn't do was a repair day.  We had had a hole in our front door screen for some time that Tibby had created.  So Gerard took the screen door over to the local Ace Hardware, and they replaced the screen - looks beautiful!

Also, my bike's front tire was flat.  We pumped it up on Wednesday, but it didn't stay up.  So we took that in to a local bicycle shop.  The guy found 2 goheds (sp.?) in the tube.  They are hard thorns from sagebrush.  Because they're so hard, it's quite common for them to puncture bike tires.  He put in a new thicker tube, so hopefully it won't happen again.

And of course, we had our usual neighbourhood happy hour.  We only have 1 more Thursday here.

Friday, we went off to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  It is located out in the desert, and it's mainly a zoo, only with critters you would find in this part of the desert.

This animal was quite big...and found in a cave.

We were very lucky to have this Mountain Lion jump up to the window when we were there.

A coyote.  He was wearing out a path pacing.

And this is a javelina (pronounced HA-VA-LEE-NA).  Looks like a pig or wild boar, but it's not.

A couple of bobcats.

We attended the Free Flight display, with a barn owl, a Peregrine Falcon, and Harris Hawks.  Quite a unique experience.

Big Horn Sheep.

Of course, we saw lots of lizards and snakes which you would find here, as well as some insects.  Yuck.

Today we did absolutely nothing.  We were either going to do a hike, or go to the Pima Air Museum.  Unfortunately, I've picked up a cold virus from somewhere and last night and today were the worst days.  Hopefully things are better tomorrow.

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