Sunday, February 15, 2015

Camaro and Fred's Arena

Rain, rain, is that rain?  I think we might have had 123 drops.  But we did hear thunder, and it looked like it was raining "over there".

After doing some laundry, we decided it was going to hold off enough so we could do some hiking.  So we went across the road to the hills and completed the Camaro Trail.  This is it's namesake.  I don't think this old Camaro is salvageable.  What a sad state for a Camaro.

Yep, those are rain clouds "over there".

 Nice vista, and the rain clouds "over there".

There's our truck up yonder.

So last Thursday during our street happy hour, Bev (our neighbour) had mentioned we should all go to Fred's Arena for dinner Sunday night.  We thought, what?  Fred's Arena?  She said it was down this dirt road with nothing around.  So off we went today.  Roger and Bev took us there in their car, and there were another 10-14 of us.  It certainly was down a bumpy dirt road.

A couple of shots from the yard.

This is our group at the table.

And our pizza - very good.  Thin crust.  Others had steak or burgers.  The food was quite good.

The meat is cooked on this grill in the middle of the room.  The fire is kept going by this red thing that acts sort of like a bellows, I guess.  They turn the handle now and then anyway.

A very interesting place and worth going back to...maybe we will.

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