Monday, February 23, 2015

Pima Air & Space Museum

Yesterday we trundled off to the Pima Air & Space Museum, which is only about 10 minutes from where we are, near the Air Force base.  I was feeling a little better, but still not up to par.

This place is full of planes of all shapes and sizes, many used by the armed forces, and they're segregated by those used in World War II, or Vietnam, or even some more current ones.  There are some "famous" planes here, as in those used by the White House, or a movie has been made with it (e.g.) Apocalypse Now.

Here's one of the smallest planes ever built.

There are planes shown in 4 different hangers, but then their yard is full of planes too.

This plane, called the "Giant Guppy" was used to transport rocket equipment for NASA.

I think this one was used by Presidents Kennedy and Johnson.

One hangar was dedicated to the space programs.

This is an authentic moon rock.  Very tiny - encased in glass.

This is a simulation of the Apollo command module, but it was used in the movie with Tom Hanks - Apollo 13 because it so authentically represents the module.

 We didn't go to the "boneyard" because they don't operate those tours on the weekend.  But we can go back any time to do that.  We might.  It's a place where many planes taken out of service are stored.  All I know is you can see massive numbers of plane tails from a distance.  It sits on the actual Air Force base, so you have to do the tour - you can't just walk around.

Last evening, we caught Tibby using Gerard's playbook tablet.

I was working on a giant jigsaw puzzle with all dogs.  I finally got it finished as it was hard to do.  I'll pass it along to Ginny in my orchestra.  She loves doing these things.

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